How rich is George Meyer? Net Worth, Money


George Meyer Net Worth

How much is George Meyer worth? For this question we spent 3 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $57,9 Million.



George Meyer information Birth date: 1957-01-01 Birth place: Pennsylvania, United States Profession:Camera Department Nationality:American

Height, Weight

:How tall is George Meyer – 1,65m.
How much weight is George Meyer – 66kg


George Meyer Net Worth
George Meyer Net Worth
George Meyer Net Worth
George Meyer Net Worth


George A. Meyer (born 1956) is an American producer and writer. Raised in Tucson, Meyer attended Harvard University. There, after becoming president of the Harvard Lampoon, he graduated in 1978 with a degree in biochemistry. Abandoning plans to attend medical school, Meyer attempted to make money through dog racing but failed after two months. After a series of short-term jobs he was hired in 1981 by David Letterman, on the advice of two of Meyers Harvard Lampoon cowriters, to join the writing team of his show Late Night with David Letterman.Meyer left after two seasons and went on to write for The New Show, Not Necessarily the News and Saturday Night Live. Tired of life in New York, Meyer moved to Boulder, Colorado where he wrote a screenplay for a film for Letterman to star in. The project fell through and Meyer then founded the humor zine Army Man which garnered a strong following, although Meyer ended it after three issues. The producer Sam Simon was a fan and he hired Meyer to write for the animated sitcom The Simpsons in 1989. There, he led the group script rewrite sessions and has been publicly credited with thoroughly shap[ing]…the comedic sensibility of the show. He has held a number of positions on the show and also cowrote The Simpsons Movie. Meyer is in a relationship with the writer Maria Semple and the two have a daughter.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: George Meyer

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