How much money makes Gia Ciambotti? Net worth


Gia Ciambotti Net Worth

How rich is Giulietta Ciambotti? For this question we spent 20 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $25,7 Million.



Giulietta Ciambotti information Birth date: September 13, 1962 Birth place: San Francisco, California, USA Profession:Actress, Music Department

Height, Weight

:How tall is Gia Ciambotti – 1,71m.
How much weight is Gia Ciambotti – 51kg


Gia Ciambotti Net Worth
Gia Ciambotti Net Worth
Gia Ciambotti Net Worth
Gia Ciambotti Net Worth


Gia Ciambotti (born September 13, 1962 in Hollywood, California) is an American singer. She first came to prominence in the late 1980s as a member of the band The Graces, with Charlotte Caffey and Meredith Brooks. The group released the album Perfect View in 1989 and had a Billboard Hot 100 hit with the single &quot, Lay Down Your Arms&quot, . The group disbanded in the early 1990s.In 1992, Gia Ciambotti joined Bruce Springsteen as a backing vocalist for his Bruce Springsteen and the &quot, Other Band&quot, Tour. Since then she has worked as a session singer for artists such as Lucinda Williams, Natalie Cole, Chicago and others. She also performed with a group called The Scarletts (who were originally called BooBoo Fine Jelly).In 2004, she released her first album in collaboration with Ned Albright. Titled Snowflake, it is a collection of traditional and original lullabies for children. 2007 saw the release of her first proper solo album, Right As Rain. She is the daughter of bassist John Ciambotti.
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Wikipedia Source: Gia Ciambotti

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