Goa Gil Net Worth
How rich is Goa Gil? For this question we spent 25 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $103,6 Million.
Goa Gil information Birth date: 1951-01-01 Profession:Actor
Height, Weight
:How tall is Goa Gil – 1,74m.
How much weight is Goa Gil – 56kg
Goa Gil (Gilbert Levey) is an American-born musician, DJ, remixer and party organizer. He is one of the founders of the goa trance and psytrance movement in electronic dance music.
Biography,Gil was born in 1951 and grew up in San Rafael, California. He witnessed the birth of the hippie movement and acid rock, and was involved with the freak collectives Family Dog and Sons of Champlin. Feeling that the San Francisco musical scene was falling apart, he took off in 1969, going first to Amsterdam and then to India, settling in Goa. Here he discovered the sadhus wandering holy men living off the forest, covering themselves with ash, and drinking the elixir of the gods. Soon, Gil himself became a Sadhu, Baba Mangalanand, in the order of the Juna Akhara, under the Guru, Mahant Nirmalanand Saraswati.Goa Gil in the 2001 film Last Hippie StandingDuring the early 1980s, many Goa hippies were becoming increasingly fascinated with early electronic music such as Kraftwerk. Gil and his friends soon gathered some equipment and started DJing and playing live music all night long on the Goa beaches. The mix of outdoor electronic dance parties with Eastern mystical and spiritual overtones came to define the aesthetic of the psytrance movement. For Gil, dance is an active form of meditation and the use of trance music is a way to redefine the ancient tribal ritual for the 21st century. During the 1990s, the aesthetic of the Goa trance movement spread by way of European and Israeli backpackers who attended parties in India. He was interviewed for the 2001 documentary Last Hippie Standing which explored the scene in Goa. In January 2006 Goa Gil DJed the all-night closing party of the three-day LSD-symposium at Basel, Switzerland, in honor of LSD-inventor Albert Hofmanns 100-years birthday January 11, 2006, after Hofmann himself had delivered the closing speech of the symposium. Gil is married to Ariane MacAvyoy. Together they formed the band the Nommos.
Wikipedia Source: Goa Gil