Grace Huang Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight


Grace Huang Net Worth

How rich is Grace Huang? For this question we spent 22 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $100,9 Million.



Grace Huang information Birth date: 1983 Birth place: Taiwan Profession:Miscellaneous Crew

Height, Weight

:How tall is Grace Huang – 1,67m.
How much weight is Grace Huang – 73kg


Grace Huang Net Worth
Grace Huang Net Worth
Grace Huang Net Worth
Grace Huang Net Worth


Grace Huang (Chinese: ???, pinyin: Hu?ng Zh?q?) is an Australian actress, best known for her role as the Gemini Female in the RZA directed martial arts film, The Man with the Iron Fists. Huang also starred as Mei Chen in the pilot for the 2013 CBS TV series Intelligence. Huang also plays May in the Hong Kong action film Cold War starring Aaron Kwok, Andy Lau and Tony Leung Ka Fai. Huang also stars as Bunny in the Hong Kong comedy-romance film Love in Space, and as Jenny in the Hong Kong Action film Overheard alongside Daniel Wu, Michael Wong, Sean Lau, and directed by Felix Chong and Alan Mak.Huang has also won a Best Actress award at the HollyShorts Film Festival for her portrayal of the character Ava Chen in Jennifer Thyms vampire-and-angel action short film, Bloodtraffick. Huang has also collaborated with Thym on several other projects, including the Hong Kong set feature film Jasmine which Huang stars in alongside Byron Mann, Jason Tobin, Brian Yang, Sarah Lian and Eugenia Yuan and in which Thym produced and Dax Phelan directed.Huang also stars as a love interest to Sean Faris in the 2013 film Lost for Words, directed by Stanley J. Orzel (creative consultant for Zhang Yimou films such as House of Flying Daggers and Hero) and also starring Will Yun Lee, Terence Yin and Jennifer Birmingham (married to Will Yun Lee).Huang has also starred as a lead character in the Taiwanese Golden Bell Award-winning television drama Friends, has appeared in print and TV ad campaigns for Vidal Sassoon, Neutrogena, Canon, HSBC and the Australian Tourism Board, and has also been featured on the covers of magazines such as Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, FHM, Oyster, Elle and Marie Claire.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Grace Huang

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