Ian Curteis Net Worth 2024


Ian Curteis Net Worth

How rich is Ian Curteis? For this question we spent 15 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $130,5 Million.



Ian Curteis information Birth date: May 1, 1935 Profession:Writer, Director Spouse:Joanna Trollope

Height, Weight

:How tall is Ian Curteis – 1,73m.
How much weight is Ian Curteis – 84kg


Ian Curteis Net Worth
Ian Curteis Net Worth
Ian Curteis Net Worth
Ian Curteis Net Worth


Ian Bayley Curteis (born 1 May 1935, London) is a British television dramatist and former television director.In a career as a television dramatist from the late 1960s onwards, Curteis wrote for many of the series of the day, including The Onedin Line and Crown Court. In 1979, two television plays by Curteis were broadcast: Churchill and the Generals and Suez 1956. The Falklands Play, originally scheduled for production in 1985, was eventually broadcast in 2002.He is divorced from the popular novelist Joanna Trollope, his second wife. His third wife is Lady Deirdre Hare, daughter of William Hare, 5th Earl of Listowel: together they have restored their home Markenfield Hall.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Ian Curteis

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