How much money makes Iona Marie Morris? Net worth


Iona Marie Morris Net Worth

Iona Marie Morris how much money? For this question we spent 17 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $70,9 Million.



Iona Marie Morris information Birth date: May 23, 1957 Birth place: Columbus, Ohio, USA Profession:Actress, Miscellaneous Crew Parents:Greg Morris and Leona Morris

Height, Weight

:How tall is Iona Marie Morris – 1,63m.
How much weight is Iona Marie Morris – 61kg


Iona Marie Morris Net Worth
Iona Marie Morris Net Worth
Iona Marie Morris Net Worth
Iona Marie Morris Net Worth


Iona Marie Morris (born May 23, 1957) is daughter to actor Greg Morris and older sister to actor Phil Morris. She is primarily an American voice actress but has also performed numerous times on television in speaking roles. She was the original voice of Storm in the X-Men and Spider-Man animated series. Her voice work also includes: Medusa in The Fantastic Four series, Claudia Grant in Robotech and Nia/Betty in the short lived Phantom 2040. When she was a child, she appeared (with her brother and future recurring Trek guest actor, Phil) in an episode of the original Star Trek entitled Miri. Later, Iona appeared in the two part episode of Star Trek: Voyager, Workforce and was one of few to star in one of the episodes of the second Twilight Zone series. She has also made numerous guest appearances on many television shows, including The Wayans Bros. In 2006, she was also the voice of Jean Grant in Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles.She also appear as Colonel James in the cinematic of Command and Conquer 4.
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Wikipedia Source: Iona Marie Morris

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