How rich is Jack Charles in 2024?


Jack Charles Net Worth

How rich is Jack Charles? For this question we spent 22 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $180,5 Million.



Jack Charles information Birth date: September 5, 1943 Birth place: Cummeragunja, Australia Height:5 1 (1.55 m) Profession:Actor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Jack Charles – 1,84m.
How much weight is Jack Charles – 77kg


Jack Charles Net Worth
Jack Charles Net Worth
Jack Charles Net Worth
Jack Charles Net Worth


Jack Charles (born 5 September 1943) is an Australian Aboriginal actor, musician, potter, and Aboriginal elder.Born at Cummeragunja Mission on the Murray River, Charles was raised in a boys home in Box Hill, suburban Melbourne, where he was the only Indigenous child.Charles was involved in establishing Indigenous theatre in Australia. In 1971 he co-founded with Bob Maza Nindethana (place for a corroboree) at The Pram Factory in Melbourne, Australias first Indigenous theatre group. Their first hit play was called Jack Charles is Up and Fighting. In 2010, Ilbijerri Theatre staged his one-man show called Jack Charles v The Crown, at the Melbourne Festival.In 1972 Charles auditioned for the role of the Australian Indigenous title character in the television show Boney but was knocked back because they were looking for an actor with blue eyes. The job went to New Zealand-born James Laurenson, an actor of Sri Lankan descent.In 1974 Jack played Bennelong in the stage production of Cradle of Hercules which was presented at the Sydney Opera House as part of its opening season. Also in the cast was a very young David Gulpilil. In 2012 Charles performed in the Sydney Festival production I am Eora.Stage work includes Jack Davis play No Sugar for the Black Swan Theatre Company in Perth.His screen credits include the landmark Australian film The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith (1978), Bedevil (1993), Blackfellas (1993), Tom White (2004) and the upcoming Pan (2015), among others.Jack Charles was the subject of Amiel Courtin-Wilsons 2008 documentary Bastardy which followed him for seven years. The films tagline describes him as: Addict. Homosexual. Cat burglar. Actor. Aboriginal. The film was in the official selection for Singapore, Melbourne, Sydney and Sheffield Doc/Fest film festivals.
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Wikipedia Source: Jack Charles

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