Jacquie Jordan Net Worth, Bio, Wiki


Jacquie Jordan Net Worth

How rich is Jacquie Jordan? For this question we spent 11 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Producers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $87,5 Million.



Jacquie Jordan information Profession:Producer

Height, Weight

:How tall is Jacquie Jordan – 1,83m.
How much weight is Jacquie Jordan – 77kg


Jacquie Jordan Net Worth
Jacquie Jordan Net Worth
Jacquie Jordan Net Worth
Jacquie Jordan Net Worth


Jacquie Jordan is a film and television producer who has produced nearly ten thousand television segments over the span of a fifteen-year career. She spent three years as the co-executive producer of AMCs Sunday Morning Shootout, a weekly film industry talk show hosted by Variety magazine’s Editor-in-chief Peter Bart and ex-Sony chairman Peter Guber. Jordan is a member of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and the Producers Guild of America.Jordan became a media entrepreneur with the July 2000 launch of Jacquie Jordan Inc., a media consultancy company specializing in television producing/networking seminars and the development of individual media brands. In 2002, Jacquie Jordan Inc. spun off a sister company, TVGuestpert, which develops television personalities and connects them with producers looking for established media guests and commentators. The company also works with clients to develop their own content across a variety of media, from DVDs to books.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Jacquie Jordan

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