Jens Pulver Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight


Jens Pulver Net Worth

How rich is Jens Pulver? For this question we spent 8 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $300 Thousand.



Jens Pulver information Birth date: December 6, 1974 Birth place: Seattle, Washington, USA Height:5 7 (1.7 m) Weight:61.24 Profession:Actor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Jens Pulver – 1,60m.
How much weight is Jens Pulver – 63kg


Jens Pulver Net Worth
Jens Pulver Net Worth
Jens Pulver Net Worth
Jens Pulver Net Worth


Jens Johnnie Pulver (born December 6, 1975) is a retired American professional mixed martial artist and undefeated boxer and kickboxer who currently competes as a Flyweight in the Singapore-based organization, ONE FC. In mixed martial arts, Pulver has also competed at the Lightweight, Featherweight, and Bantamweight divisions. Pulver was the inaugural UFC Lightweight Champion in addition to serving as the headcoach on the The Ultimate Fighter 5 reality show which aired on Spike TV, against long-time rival B.J. Penn. While perhaps best known for competing in the UFC, Pulver has also competed in Pride Fighting Championships, for the PRIDE 2005 Lightweight Grand Prix. He is to-date the youngest UFC Lightweight Champion in the UFC history, eventually becoming stripped of his title due to a contract dispute.During his reign, he was long-time considered the greatest UFC lightweight competitor. Nicknamed Lil Evil, Pulver won the first UFC Lightweight Championship following his victory over Caol Uno at UFC 30: Battle on the Boardwalk. Pulver also held the UFCs all-time lightweight title defenses record for nearly a decade after his successful defenses against Dennis Hallman at UFC 33: Victory in Vegas and B.J. Penn at UFC 35: Throwdown. He remains as one of the most influential figures in the Ultimate Fighting Championship, due to his domination and undefeated reign as UFC Lightweight Champion in the early Zuffa era.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Jens Pulver

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