John Branca Net Worth – Short bio, age, height, weight


John Branca Net Worth

How rich is John Brancaccio? For this question we spent 9 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $75 Million.



John Brancaccio information Birth date: 1950-12-11 Birth place: Bronxville, New York, US} Profession:Editor Education:Occidental College

Height, Weight

:How tall is John Branca – 1,61m.
How much weight is John Branca – 65kg


John Branca Net Worth
John Branca Net Worth
John Branca Net Worth
John Branca Net Worth


John Gregory Branca (born December 11, 1950 in Bronxville, New York.) is an entertainment lawyer who specializes in representing rock and roll acts, as well as independent investors, music publishing catalogs, and independent music labels. He has represented 29 acts in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, including The Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, The Jackson 5, Carlos Santana, Aerosmith, The Beach Boys, ZZ Top, Fleetwood Mac, Bee Gees and The Doors, which is believed to be more than any other entertainment attorney.Other clients have included Alicia Keys, Berry Gordy, Dick Clark, Dr. Dre, Justin Timberlake and the Backstreet Boys. Among his clients outside the music world: Forbes magazine, Penthouse magazine, Playboy magazine, investor Ron Perelman, MCI and Mike Tyson.In recent years Branca has been involved in the sale of some of the music industrys most prestigious publishing catalogs, including Berry Gordys Jobete Music, Leiber & Stoller, and the Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization.Branca was also involved in the formation and sale of Interscope Records, the sale of Rhino Records, and represented Rick Rubin and his American Recordings label. He also has served as counsel to numerous music industry investors, including Vivendi, Matsushita and Richard Branson.As a partner in the law firm of Ziffren Brittenham, Branca is one of a handful of attorneys to have been included in all editions of the prestigious Best Lawyers in America.Branca is currently the chairman of the large corporation, The Michael Jackson Company, and serves as Co-Executor of the Michael Jackson Estate.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: John Branca

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