John Cork Net Worth, Biography, Age, Weight, Height


John Cork Net Worth

How rich is John Cork? For this question we spent 15 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Producers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $41,7 Million.



John Cork information Birth date: Montgomery, Alabama, United States Profession:Producer, Director, Writer Spouse:Nicole Dillenberg (m. ?–2014) Children:Jimmy Cork Movies:You Belong to Me

Height, Weight

:How tall is John Cork – 1,86m.
How much weight is John Cork – 68kg


John Cork Net Worth
John Cork Net Worth
John Cork Net Worth
John Cork Net Worth


John Cork is a producer and director, known for You Belong to Me: Sex Race and Murder in the South (2014), Inside Licence to Kill (1999) and Inside Bandits (2002). He is married to Nicole Dillenberg.
Biography,CareerAn avid James Bond fan, Cork has produced, written, and directed thirty documentaries along with Bruce Scivally for MGMs releases of the James Bond films on DVD (can be seen on the Ultimate Edition 2 Disc James Bond DVDs). As an author, he and Scivally have written the biographies of Ian Fleming, Cubby Broccoli, and Harry Saltzman. Collectively, they have conducted over one hundred and fifty interviews with the creative talents behind the 007 films. They also contributed to The Ultimate James Bond: An Interactive Dossier, a CD-ROM for MGM Interactive.Cork serves as president of a multi-media production company called Cloverland in Los Angeles, the company has two documentary features and over 300 documentary shorts since 1999, many of them making of featurettes that get included on DVD releases of films.In 2002, Cork and Bruce Scivally wrote the book James Bond: The Legacy which documents the history of the James Bond legacy as well as importance in popular culture, global affairs and current events from the time it started up until present time. In 2003, John Cork also co-wrote the book Bond Girls Are Forever: The Women of James Bond with actress Maryam dAbo.Cork is also a member of The Ian Fleming Foundation, a group dedicated to the study of Ian Fleming and his works.ScreenwritingCork, who is an award-winning screenwriter, has penned the civil rights drama, The Long Walk Home, starring Sissy Spacek and Whoopi Goldberg, and has written screenplays for many major film studios. Bruce Scivally has worked for several motion picture production companies, co-edited The Special Effects and Stunts Guide, and was the Production Coordinator for the 2001 Academy Awards Show. Both authors live in Los Angeles.In addition, in 2007, for the release of the Spider-Man 2.1 DVD, Cork and Bruce Scivally wrote and compiled the Spidey Sense 2.1-trivia track, a closed captioning feature on Disc 1 of the DVD, which includes integrated pop-ups that provides information about the Spider-Man actors, directors, production, comic books and Spider-Man legacy. The feature is available via closed captioning that plays during the course of key scenes throughout the film.PersonalJohn Cork was born in Montgomery, Ala. He now lives in Los Angeles with his wife, singer Nicole Dillenberg, and their son Jimmy. Both Cork and his wife are graduates of the University of Southern California School of Cinema-Television.Cork has said that he and his wife honeymooned at Goldeneye, the secluded home in Jamaica where Ian Fleming wrote his 14 James Bond books. Goldeneyes owner, Island Records founder and hotelier Chris Blackwell, who served as location manager for Dr. No (1962), waived the rental for the three-bedroom villa as a wedding present, according to Cork.


Wikipedia Source: John Cork

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