John Roberts Net Worth
How rich is John Roberts? For this question we spent 5 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $88,7 Million.
John Roberts information Birth date: 1955-01-27 Birth place: . Profession:Miscellaneous Crew Education:Harvard University Spouse:Jane Sullivan
Height, Weight
:How tall is John Roberts – 1,88m.
How much weight is John Roberts – 52kg
John Glover Roberts, Jr. (born January 27, 1955) is the 17th and current Chief Justice of the United States. He has served since 2005, having been nominated by President George W. Bush after the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist. He has been described as having a conservative judicial philosophy in his jurisprudence.Roberts grew up in northern Indiana and was educated in a private school before attending Harvard College and Harvard Law School, where he was managing editor of the Harvard Law Review. After being admitted to the bar, he served as a law clerk for Judge Henry Friendly and then Justice Rehnquist before taking a position in the Attorney Generals office during the Reagan Administration. He went on to serve the Reagan Administration and the George H. W. Bush administration in the Department of Justice and the Office of the White House Counsel, before spending 14 years in private law practice. During this time, he argued 39 cases before the Supreme Court.In 2003, he was appointed as a judge of the D.C. Circuit by President George W. Bush, where he was serving when he was nominated to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, initially to succeed retiring Justice Sandra Day OConnor. When Chief Justice Rehnquist died before Robertss confirmation hearings, Bush renominated Roberts to fill the newly vacant center seat.
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Wikipedia Source: John Roberts