How Much Is John Spencer Evans Worth?


John Spencer Evans Net Worth

How rich is John Spencer Evans? For this question we spent 15 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $53,8 Million.



John Spencer Evans information Birth date: March 28, 1948 Birth place: Blackpool, Lancashire, England, UK

Height, Weight

:How tall is John Spencer Evans – 1,68m.
How much weight is John Spencer Evans – 86kg


John Spencer Evans Net Worth
John Spencer Evans Net Worth
John Spencer Evans Net Worth
John Spencer Evans Net Worth


John Evan (born John Spencer Evans, 28 March 1948), played keyboards for Jethro Tull from April 1970 to June 1980. He was educated at Kings College London.Evans was born in Blackpool, Lancashire. He changed his name when his first band, The Blades, changed their name to The John Evan Band. Jeffrey Hammond apparently thought The John Evan Band sounded better than The John Evans Band.Later on, Evan was attending college when he happened to recognize his former band mates on radio with the song, Living in the Past, remarking years later that it stood out to him because of its quite unusual time signature for a Pop song (5/4). In 1970, he played as a session musician on Tulls Benefit album (where his acknowledgement reads: …and John Evan, who played keyboards for our benefit.), and was eventually convinced by Ian Anderson to leave school to become a full-fledged member of the band. In addition to his many distinctive contributions to the groups overall musical sound and stage personality, it is also notable that Evan composed the memorable piano introduction to Locomotive Breath, having achieved this task in studio while some of the other band members were out to lunch.Whilst with Jethro Tull, Evan had a penchant for wearing his trademark white suit, along with a yellow shirt underneath and a pink-and-yellow polka-dot tie. Evan can be seen wearing this outfit in photographs on the album War Child, and the live album Bursting Out, while a painted version of him is seen wearing the suit and tie on the inside cover of the Aqualung album. During concerts, Evans wildly rendered pantomime gestures would conjure visions for audiences of a cross between Harpo Marx and The Hatter from Alices Adventures in Wonderland (sans the hat). Because of the familiar white suit, Anderson was known to jokingly refer to Evan (during band member introductions) as everyones favourite ice cream salesman.Evan departed Jethro Tull in July 1980. He then went on to form Tallis with fellow departing Tull member, David Palmer. After many years running his own construction company, during which he would occasionally be recognized by die-hard Tull fans, he now resides in Australia. He also appeared in the 2004 DVD, Jethro Tull – A New Day Yesterday: The 25th Anniversary Collection (1969–1994) (originally released in 1994 on VHS), the 2008 DVD, Jethro Tull – Their Fully Authorised Story (1968–2008), and the 2009 DVD/CD combo, Jethro Tull – Live at Madison Square Garden (1978).
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: John Spencer Evans

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