Judy Gold Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio


Judy Gold Net Worth

How rich is Judy Gold? For this question we spent 21 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Comedians
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $1.5 Million.



Judy Gold information Birth date: November 15, 1962 Birth place: Newark, New Jersey, United States Height:6 ft 2 in (1.905 m) Profession:Comedian, Actor, Screenwriter, Television producer Nationality:United States of America Partner:Elysa Halpern Children:Ben Callahan Gold, Henry Callahan Gold Parents:Ruth Gold, Harold Gold

Height, Weight

:How tall is Judy Gold – 1,83m.
How much weight is Judy Gold – 69kg


Judy Gold Net Worth
Judy Gold Net Worth
Judy Gold Net Worth
Judy Gold Net Worth


Judy Gold is an American stand-up comic. She won two Daytime Emmy Awards for her work as a writer and producer on The Rosie ODonnell Show. She has also been involved in many projects in various roles, including the television series All-American Girl and HBO At the Multiple…
Biography,She was born on November 15, 1962 in Newark, New Jersey. She first did stand-up on a dare while a music student at Rutgers University. She is a lesbian, who shared a relationship with her former partner, Sharon, for almost 20 years. She has two children (Henry, 1996, and Ben, 2001), facts she frequently referenced in her comments on the show Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn. Gold is very active in both LGBT and Jewish communities. She was active in support of the 2004 and 2008 Democratic presidential campaign.In an interview with Marc Maron, Gold revealed her comedic influences to be Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and Totie Fields.Her one-woman show 25 Questions for a Jewish Mother, co-written with Kate Moira Ryan, is based on a series of interviews with more than 50 Jewish mothers in the United States. Their stories are interspersed with anecdotes about her own mother and her life as a lesbian mother of two sons. It ran at the Ars Nova Theater in New York City in early 2006 and reopened on October 12, 2006, at St. Lukes Theater.Judy Gold also appears as a commentator on truTVs TruTV Presents: Worlds Dumbest….In 2007 she was featured in the film Making Trouble, a tribute to female Jewish comedians, produced by the Jewish Women’s Archive.In 2011, Gold was named a Givenik Ambassador.In 2015, she will appear Off-Broadway as Eleanor Roosevelt in the satiric musical Clinton: The Musical at New World Stages.


Wikipedia Source: Judy Gold

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