Jules Bass Net Worth
How much is Jules Bass worth? For this question we spent 15 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Producers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $83,7 Million.
Jules Bass information Birth date: September 16, 1935 Birth place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Profession:Producer, Director, Soundtrack Education:New York UniversityAwards:Peabody AwardBooks:Cooking with Herb, the Vegetarian Dragon
Height, Weight
:How tall is Jules Bass – 1,77m.
How much weight is Jules Bass – 57kg
Producer, author, and composer, educated at NYU. Until 1960, he worked at a New York advertising agency, and then co-founded a film production company in New York. He joined ASCAP in 1963 and collaborated musically with Edward Thomas and James Polack. His popular-song works include Pinocchio, Three Sad Souls, and Daydreamer. His most famous …
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Wikipedia Source: Jules Bass