How much money makes Kamal Roy? Net worth


Kamal Roy Net Worth

How rich is Kamal Roy? For this question we spent 4 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $18,1 Million.



Kamal Roy information Profession:Actor, Assistant Director, Writer

Height, Weight

:How tall is Kamal Roy – 1,86m.
How much weight is Kamal Roy – 84kg


Kamal Roy Net Worth
Kamal Roy Net Worth
Kamal Roy Net Worth
Kamal Roy Net Worth


Kamal Roy was a Bollywood actress of Anglo Indian descent who acted in over 60 films in the 70s. Her final performance was in Veerana (1986) as the main villain Nakita.Kamal started out as a junior artist in 1970 and appeared in a series of small roles. Her breakthrough came with her performance in Bobby (1973) as one of the friends of the hero. After that she had supporting roles in other films with the Kapoor brothers like Manoranjan (1974), Ponga Pandit (1975) and Aap Beati (1976). She was also frequently seen in the bed of villains like Madan Puri in numerous films. One of her biggest roles came when she played the role of Devi Maa Lakshmi in Bhagwan Samaye Sansar Mein (1976). She subsequently left the movie industry and the last of her 70s films was released in 1978.Except for the delayed release film The Gold Medal in 1984, Veerana was her only film in the 80s.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Kamal Roy

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