Kei Yoshimizu Net Worth
How much is Kei Yoshimizu worth? For this question we spent 22 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $142,2 Million.
Kei Yoshimizu information Birth date: 1940-10-04 Death date: 1940-10-04 Profession:Miscellaneous Crew, Visual Effects, Animation Department Children:Nancy Yoshimizu
Height, Weight
:How tall is Kei Yoshimizu – 1,66m.
How much weight is Kei Yoshimizu – 77kg
Fumio Yoshimizu (????, Yoshimizu Fumio, born October 4, 1940), better known as Kei Yoshimizu (???, Yoshimizu Kei), is a Japanese actor and voice actor from ?saka Prefecture.He is a graduate of Ryukoku University. He was affiliated with The Bungaku Company before transferring to Theatre Company Subaru. Now retired from acting, he currently works as a Buddhist monk.
The information is not available
Wikipedia Source: Kei Yoshimizu