Kristin Nelson Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight


Kristin Nelson Net Worth

How rich is Kristin Nelson? For this question we spent 16 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $2,6 Million.



Kristin Nelson information Birth date: 1945-06-25 Profession:Costume Department, Costume Designer, Actress Nationality:American Spouse:Ricky Nelson Children:Sam Nelson

Height, Weight

:How tall is Kristin Nelson – 1,73m.
How much weight is Kristin Nelson – 66kg


Kristin Nelson Net Worth
Kristin Nelson Net Worth
Kristin Nelson Net Worth
Kristin Nelson Net Worth


Kristin Nelson (born Sharon Kristin Harmon, June 25, 1945) is an American primitive painter, actress and author, once married to the actor and musician Ricky Nelson.The daughter of the American football star Tom Harmon and the actress Elyse Knox, she is the older sister of model-actress Kelly Harmon and actor Mark Harmon. She married Nelson in 1963 and joined their family television show. The couple had four children, but their extravagant lifestyle forced Nelson to tour for long periods, placing great pressure on the marriage. A long-fought divorce was finally granted before Nelsons death in an air-crash in 1985.In 1988, she married Mark Tinker, who encouraged her to paint. Her brightly coloured primitives found favour with Jacqueline Kennedy and Mia Farrow, among other celebrities, and they form the basis of her coffee-table autobiography Out of My Mind.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Kristin Nelson

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