Laura Bennett Net Worth


Laura Bennett Net Worth

How Much money Laura Bennett has? For this question we spent 13 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Musicians
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $87,2 Million.



Laura Bennett information Birth date: August 2, 1963 Birth place: New Orleans, Louisiana, United States Profession:Sound Department Education:University of Houston, Columbia University Spouse:Peter L. Shelton (m. 1995–2012)

Height, Weight

:How tall is Laura Bennett – 1,86m.
How much weight is Laura Bennett – 76kg


Laura Bennett Net Worth
Laura Bennett Net Worth
Laura Bennett Net Worth
Laura Bennett Net Worth


Laura Eugenia Bennett (born August 2, 1963 in New Orleans, Louisiana) is an American architect and fashion designer and one of the four finalists on Bravos July 2006s Project Runway (Season 3).
Biography,Bennett received her undergraduate degree in architecture from the University of Houston and a graduate degree in the same field from Columbia University in New York City.Bennett has six children: one daughter Cleo (born 1988), from her first marriage, and five sons: Peik (born 1996), Truman (born 1999), Pierson (born 2002), Larson (born 2003), and Finn (born Dec 1, 2006), whom she discovered she was pregnant with while competing on Project Runway, with her late husband, architect Peter L. Shelton. On August 26, 2012, Shelton died of cancer in their New York home. Sheltons work as a co-founder of Shelton, Mindel & Associates, and a memorial to him was in the November 2012 issue of Architectural Digest.She worked part-time at his design firm, Shelton, Mindel & Associates, best known for its design of the Polo Ralph Lauren headquarters in New York City. In 2013, Bennett (re-styled as Laura Bennett Shelton) relocated her family and business to the Laros estate in Bethlehem, PA, a house on property originally belonging to her husbands maternal grandfather, Depression-era textile manufacturer R.K. Laros. After her relocation to Pennsylvania, Bennett Shelton took up archery, and within six months was competing at a world-class level, even participating in the 2014 World Indoor Archery Championships.


Wikipedia Source: Laura Bennett

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