Lenny Santiago Net Worth 2024 Update: Bio, Age, Height, Weight


Lenny Santiago Net Worth

How rich is Lenny Santiago? For this question we spent 3 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $1 Million.



Lenny Santiago information Birth date: 1977-07-02 Birth place: Kern County, California, U.S. Profession:Actor, Cinematographer, Music Department

Height, Weight

:How tall is Lenny Santiago – 1,84m.
How much weight is Lenny Santiago – 56kg


Lenny Santiago Net Worth
Lenny Santiago Net Worth
Lenny Santiago Net Worth
Lenny Santiago Net Worth


Ricardo Medina, Jr. (Ricardo Medina / Rick Medina / Medina Ricardo) (born July 6, 1977 in Los Angeles, California) is an American actor of Puerto Rican descent.Medina is best known for his role as Cole Evans, the Red Wild Force Ranger, on Power Rangers Wild Force as well as his appearance on the VH1 reality television series Kept, in which he and eleven other men vied for the opportunity to become supermodel Jerry Halls kept man. Medina formed something of an alliance with fellow contestant Slavco, as they continually expressed their opinion that they were the two most attractive men on the show. Hall eliminated Medina after a dance competition at which he performed a striptease to Halls displeasure.He is now a part of The Hollywood Men, a group of male strippers, in California. In 2011, he returned to the Power Rangers franchise in Power Rangers Samurai as Deker.He was an unannounced special guest for the Power Morphicon in August 2012.He is not the son of Brazilian boxer Ricardo Medina.Not to be confused with failed internet personality, disgrace to gaming and YouTube star wannabe Max Sterling, whos real name is also Ricardo Medina Jr.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Lenny Santiago

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