Leona Cavalli Net Worth, Biography, Age, Weight, Height


Leona Cavalli Net Worth

How rich is Alleyona Canedo da Silva? For this question we spent 26 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $93,2 Million.



Alleyona Canedo da Silva information Birth date: November 6, 1969 Birth place: Ros?rio do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Profession:Actress Education:Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul Parents:Sirley Nobre Canedo, Alsom Pereira da Silva Siblings:Alleysom da Silva, Anelise da Silva, Brenda da Silva

Height, Weight

:How tall is Leona Cavalli – 1,82m.
How much weight is Leona Cavalli – 62kg


Leona Cavalli Net Worth
Leona Cavalli Net Worth
Leona Cavalli Net Worth
Leona Cavalli Net Worth


Leona Cavalli was born on November 6, 1969 in Ros?rio do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil as Alleyona Canedo da Silva. She is an actress, known for Neg?cio da China (2008), Two Faces (2007) and Up Against Them All (2004).
Biography,Her father politician, lawyer and poet and teacher mothers name, has three brothers. At birth, was named Alleyona. Her mother wanted it to be Leona, but the father thought the name too strong for a baby and decided to adapt – it. Cavalli comes from their sponsors.Her childhood was in nature, playing fields by the gauchos, where the horse ran, climbed trees, swam praticaca and many other sports. With her father, who was twice mayor of the city, learned early to live with a lot of people climbing on the stump, attending rallies without bothering to be the daughter of a public person alive. With his mother, learned to appreciate the beauty and love freedom.At age ten she was traveling, had boyfriends and wanted to be an actress.she participated in several parts as, A Divina Sarah, As Lagrimas Amargas de Petra Von Kant, Brincando em cima Daquilo, O Homem e o Cavalo, etc.Then came the UFRGS, in the course of Performing Arts and the PUC, in the course of law. But, dropped everything and went to St. Paul in an attempt to do theater professionally.Participated in several films such as, Um Ceu de Estrelas, Amarelo Manga, Carandiru, Olga, Antonia, Aparecida – O Milagre, etc.Is also participated in several telenovelas and miniseries as, Da Cor do Pecado, Comecar de Novo, Belissima, Bang Bang, the miniseries Amazonia, de Galvez a Chico Mendes, Duas Caras,[11] Negocio da China,[12][13] etc. Leona participated in an episode of Casos e Acasos (Globo).[14]Leona in 2010, participates in the miniseries Dalva e Herivelto portraying the character Margot,[15] and is also in the theater with the monologue Mascaras de Penas Penadas.[16] In 2010, he participated in an episode of As Cariocas[17][18] and A Vida Alheia, series aired by Globo,[19] As well as appearing in the feature film Os Inquilinos.[20]In 2011, she made a cameo on the soap opera, Araguaia.[21] Currently, this air, soap opera, A Vida da Gente as Dra. Celina.[22][23][24] In 2012, made an appearance in the series As Brasileiras, in the episode A Justiceira de Olinda.[25][26]Zarolha plays the character in the remake of the telenovela Gabriela.[27] In 2013 will be in the soap opera Amor a Vida of Walcyr Carrasco, the plot she interprets the medical Glauce.[28][29]


Wikipedia Source: Leona Cavalli

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