How much money makes Louis Cyr? Net worth


Louis Cyr Net Worth

How rich is Louis Cyr? For this question we spent 11 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $232,7 Million.



Louis Cyr information Birth date: 1863-10-10 Death date: 1912-11-10 Birth place: Saint-Cyprien-de-Napierville, Quebec, Canada Height:1.52 Profession:Actor Nationality:Canadian

Height, Weight

:How tall is Louis Cyr – 1,68m.
How much weight is Louis Cyr – 84kg


Louis Cyr Net Worth
Louis Cyr Net Worth
Louis Cyr Net Worth
Louis Cyr Net Worth


Louis Cyr (born Cyprien-No? Cyr, 11 October 1863 – 10 November 1912) was a famous French Canadian strongman with a career spanning the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His recorded feats, including lifting 500 pounds (227 kg) with three fingers and carrying 4,337 pounds (1,967 kg) on his back, show Cyr to be, according to former International Federation of BodyBuilding & Fitness chairman Ben Weider, the strongest man ever to have lived.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Louis Cyr

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