Luther James Grosvenor Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio


Luther James Grosvenor Net Worth

How rich is Luther James Grosvenor? For this question we spent 27 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $51 Million.



Luther James Grosvenor information Birth date: December 23, 1946 Birth place: Evesham, Worcestershire, England, UK

Height, Weight

:How tall is Luther James Grosvenor – 1,68m.
How much weight is Luther James Grosvenor – 56kg


Luther James Grosvenor Net Worth
Luther James Grosvenor Net Worth
Luther James Grosvenor Net Worth
Luther James Grosvenor Net Worth


Luther James Grosvenor (born 23 December 1946, Evesham, Worcestershire, England) is an English rock musician, who played guitar in Spooky Tooth, briefly in Stealers Wheel and, under the pseudonym Ariel Bender, in Mott the Hoople and Widowmaker.Grosvenor first began playing in local bands in his hometown of Evesham. He met Jim Capaldi, who later played with Traffic, with whom he formed a group called Deep Feelin.Later he joined a group called The V.I.P.s, in which Keith Emerson played for some time. The V.I.P.s were renamed Art and later became Spooky Tooth.The years with Spooky Tooth (1967 to 1970), Stealers Wheel (1973) and Mott the Hoople (1973 to 1974) were the most successful years in his musical career.After leaving Mott the Hoople, Grosvenor published a few solo albums, and formed Widowmaker, releasing Widowmaker in 1976 and Too Late to Cry in 1977.In the 1990s, Grosvenor returned in a Spooky Tooth reunion. In 2005, he revived his pseudonym, forming the Ariel Bender Band. In 2007 and 2008 he performed under the name Ariel Benders Mott The Hoople performing both Spooky Tooth and Mott The Hoople songs, as well as cover songs.In 2009, he worked with London act, The Winter Olympics, recording guitar parts for their song, The Great Outdoors, which was released in August 2010.
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Wikipedia Source: Luther James Grosvenor

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