How much money makes Manabu Miyazaki? Net worth


Manabu Miyazaki Net Worth

How rich is Manabu Miyazaki? For this question we spent 26 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $42,6 Million.



Manabu Miyazaki information Profession:Actor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Manabu Miyazaki – 1,75m.
How much weight is Manabu Miyazaki – 59kg


Manabu Miyazaki Net Worth
Manabu Miyazaki Net Worth
Manabu Miyazaki Net Worth
Manabu Miyazaki Net Worth


Manabu Miyazaki is also the name of a Japanese wildlife photographer. For that entry, see Manabu Miyazaki (photographer).Manabu Miyazaki (?? ?, Miyazaki Manabu, born October 25, 1945) is a Japanese writer, social critic and public figure known for his underworld ties.While not a member of any particular yakuza syndicate, Miyazaki describes himself as a freelance yakuza and has the credentials to prove it. He was born in Kyoto, Japan, his father was a yakuza boss in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, and his mother came from an Osaka yakuza family. In September 1986, he was almost killed in a yakuza shootout at a Kyoto restaurant.As a teenager and college student, Miyazaki became involved in the left-wing politics of the Japanese Communist Party but dropped out in 1969 to pursue an underworld life, including running his familys yakuza-connected demolition business.In 1985, Miyazaki was named by the Tokyo police as the prime suspect in the Glico Morinaga case, a 17-month saga of kidnapping and corporate extortion. He was later cleared.Miyazaki is the author of several best-selling books in Japan, where he is considered a celebrity criminal. His autobiography Toppamono sold 600,000 copies and has since been translated into English.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Manabu Miyazaki

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