Marc Louis Maxime de Jonge Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio


Marc Louis Maxime de Jonge Net Worth

How rich is Marc Louis Maxime de Jonge? For this question we spent 3 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $32,5 Million.



Marc Louis Maxime de Jonge information Birth date: February 16, 1949 Death date: 1996-03-10 Birth place: Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France Profession:Actor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Marc Louis Maxime de Jonge – 1,82m.
How much weight is Marc Louis Maxime de Jonge – 76kg


Marc Louis Maxime de Jonge Net Worth
Marc Louis Maxime de Jonge Net Worth
Marc Louis Maxime de Jonge Net Worth
Marc Louis Maxime de Jonge Net Worth


Marc de Jonge was a well respected French actor. He starred in The Empire of the Sun playing as a Frenchman. He is well known for performances in La Moglie Nella Cornice, Je Vous Ferai Aimer La Vie and De Guerre Lasse. He is best known in the United States for his role in Rambo III where he plays opposite Sylvester Stallone as Soviet Colonel …
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Marc Louis Maxime de Jonge

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