Maria Montazami Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio


Maria Montazami Net Worth

How rich is Maria Montazami? For this question we spent 25 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $3 Million.



Maria Montazami information Birth date: 1965-11-13 Birth place: V?ster?s, Sweden Profession:Actress Spouse:Kamran Montazami Children:Nicholas Montazami, Hanna Montazami, Sara Montazami, Emma Montazami

Height, Weight

:How tall is Maria Montazami – 1,88m.
How much weight is Maria Montazami – 55kg


Maria Montazami Net Worth
Maria Montazami Net Worth
Maria Montazami Net Worth
Maria Montazami Net Worth


Maria Montazami (born 13 November 1965) is a Swedish housewife and television personality in the series Svenska Hollywoodfruar, which is currently airing its fifth season in Sweden. Montazami has also appeared in commercials for Max Hamburgers and the travel agency Vings commercial. In November 2010 Montazami appeared in the TV3 show 24 timmar, alongside singer Anna Book.
Biography,Montazami was born in Vasteras. In 1965, she travelled to Los Angeles, United States, to visit her sister. She stayed in Los Angeles and worked as an au pair and later as a waitress at a restaurant. She met the restaurant owner Kamran Montazami, an American originally from Iran. Maria and Kamran married in 1990.Within the next few years, Kamran Montazami became a successful real-estate agent and the couple moved to Laguna Niguel, California where they raised four children. Since the mid-1990s, Maria Montazami has been a housewife.


Wikipedia Source: Maria Montazami

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