Marisa Roman Net Worth
How rich is Marisa Roman? For this question we spent 8 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $168,5 Million.
Marisa Roman information Birth date: January 30, 1982 Birth place: Caracas, Venezuela Profession:Actress
Height, Weight
:How tall is Marisa Roman – 1,61m.
How much weight is Marisa Roman – 61kg
Marisa Rom?n was 15 years old when she started her career as a TV actress with independent producer Laura Visconti Producciones, where she was cast in two juvenile series: As? es la vida and La calle de los sue?os. In 2001, Marisa started working at Venezuelan network RCTV. She participated in the telenovelas: Viva la pepa, A calz?n quitao…
Biography,Marisa began acting at the age of 9 by acting in childrens theater. Her first acting role was in the telenovela Asi es la vida in 1998 produced by Laura Visconti Productions for Venevision. Her major breakthrough role came in 2004 where she played the dual role of twins Veronica and Maria Suspiro in the hit telenovela Cosita Rica written by Leonardo Padron.In 2006, she obtained her first protagonist role in the telenovela Ciudad Bendita written by Leonardo Padron. She would later participate in Leonardos later telenovelas La vida entera in 2009 and La mujer perfecta in 2010.After her participation in La mujer perfecta, Marisa moved to Los Angeles in the United Statesto participate in various film productions and study acting in order to imporove on her acting talent.In 2013, Marisa returned to Venezuela to star as the protagonist of Venevisions telenovela De todas maneras Rosa.Apart from her work in telenovelas, Marisa has also participated in various films such as Memorias de un Soldado, The Zero Hour, El Manzano Azul, Elipsis, among others.
Wikipedia Source: Marisa Roman