Mary Byrne Net Worth, Bio


Mary Byrne Net Worth

How rich is Mary Byrne? For this question we spent 29 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $222,8 Million.



Mary Byrne information Birth date: November 3, 1959 Birth place: Ballyfermot, Republic of Ireland Profession:ActressAlbums:Mine & Yours, …With Love, I Line My Days Along Your Weight

Height, Weight

:How tall is Mary Byrne – 1,62m.
How much weight is Mary Byrne – 54kg


Mary Byrne Net Worth
Mary Byrne Net Worth
Mary Byrne Net Worth
Mary Byrne Net Worth


Mary Byrne (born 3 November 1959) is an Irish singer-songwriter from Ballyfermot, Dublin. She rose to fame in 2010 after becoming a finalist on the seventh series of The X Factor in 2010. Following her elimination in the live semi-final, she signed a record deal with Sony Music Ireland. Byrne and her fellow The X Factor finalists gained a number-one single on the UK Singles Chart and the Irish Singles Chart with a cover of David Bowies Heroes in aid of Help for Heroes.Byrnes debut single I Just Call You Mine was released on 4 March 2011. Mine & Yours, Byrnes debut album was released 28 March 2011 in the UK. The album was produced by hit-maker Nigel Wright. In June 2011, Byrne was asked to perform at a special gala performance in Dublin to mark Queen Elizabeth IIs visit to the Republic of Ireland. She was also Neil Diamonds special guest at the Aviva Stadium, where she performed in front of 55,000 people. August 2011 saw Byrne appear in GREASE: The Musical at the Grand Canal Theatre in Dublin. She began work on an autobiography, This Is My Life, and was released on 21 October 2011 in the UK and Ireland. Mary decided to leave Sony Music as she accepted a new record deal offer with Decca Music and Universal Music, who are confident they can get her music career up and off the ground. She has produced her second album, called …with Love. In 2012, Byrne appeared on Celebrity Bainisteoir.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Mary Byrne

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