Mary Cadorette Net Worth – Short bio, age, height, weight


Mary Cadorette Net Worth

How rich is Mary Therese Cadorette? For this question we spent 28 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $119,4 Million.



Mary Therese Cadorette information Birth date: March 31, 1957 Birth place: East Hartford, Connecticut, United States Profession:Actress Education:University of Connecticut

Height, Weight

:How tall is Mary Cadorette – 1,65m.
How much weight is Mary Cadorette – 77kg


Mary Cadorette Net Worth
Mary Cadorette Net Worth
Mary Cadorette Net Worth
Mary Cadorette Net Worth


Mary Therese Cadorette (born March 31, 1957) is an American actress best known for playing John Ritter&#39, s live-in girlfriend, flight attendant Vicky Bradford on the short-lived 1984 Three&#39, s Company spinoff, Three&#39, s a Crowd.Cadorette was born in East Hartford, Connecticut. She started taking dance classes when she was five years old and later entered dance competitions. She gives credit to her love of dance for her career milestones. She was Miss Connecticut 1975 in the Miss America 1976 pageant. She graduated with a BFA in Dramatic Arts and Theater from the University of Connecticut in 1979, after which she performed in dinner theatres and with the USO. She also spent three and a half years on Broadway as an understudy in the musical 42nd Street. In 1990, she landed the recurring role of Margaret Turner on Night Court. She owned her own restaurant in Los Angeles in the 1990s, Mary&#39, s Lamb, that was frequented by many celebrities.Mary has been in a few films, Stewardess School, and The Rat Pack among them. During the 1980s, she was also seen on a number of game shows, including The $25,000 Pyramid, Super Password, and Body Language.In 1999, she left California and moved back home to Connecticut to take care of her mother who had suffered a stroke. Her mother died eight years later. She and two friends, whom she had known since they were in dance school as children, decided to take up dancing again after many years. They formed the &quot, The Chapeau Rouge Dance Project&quot, encouraging former (and older) dance students to attend classes in the dance studio that they have rented.She was formerly married to Michael Eisen in 1982. Later, she married William Harris (born March 16, 1948), and went by the name Mary Cadorette-Harris. Her husband died on October 15, 2010.In March 2011, Cadorette directed and choreographed Hairspray at Glastonbury High School in Glastonbury, Connecticut. In March 2012 she directed 42nd Street at Glastonbury High School with some of the original choreography.She is a Director, Choreographer and Teacher at Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Tap and Ensemble Class in Hartford, CT.
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Wikipedia Source: Mary Cadorette

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