Maurizio Costanzo Net Worth


Maurizio Costanzo Net Worth

How rich is Maurizio Costanzo? For this question we spent 11 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $89,8 Million.



Maurizio Costanzo information Birth date: August 28, 1938 Birth place: Rome, Lazio, Italy Height:5 4ВЅ (1.64 m) Profession:Writer, Actor, Soundtrack Spouse:Maria De Filippi (m. 1995) Children:Saverio Costanzo, Gabriele Costanzo, Camilla Costanzo Parents:Jole De Toni, Ugo Costanzo

Height, Weight

:How tall is Maurizio Costanzo – 1,82m.
How much weight is Maurizio Costanzo – 55kg


Maurizio Costanzo Net Worth
Maurizio Costanzo Net Worth
Maurizio Costanzo Net Worth
Maurizio Costanzo Net Worth


Maurizio Costanzo was born on August 28, 1938 in Rome, Lazio, Italy. He is a writer and actor, known for A Special Day (1977), The House of the Laughing Windows (1976) and Lunatics and Lovers (1976). He has been married to Maria De Filippi since August 28, 1995. He was previously married to Marta Flavi, Flaminia Morandi and Lori Sammartino.
Biography,Costanzo began his career as a journalist, and in the late 1970s appeared in several television shows, before creating his most famous show, The Maurizio Costanzo Show, currently the most important and longest-lasting talk show in Italy. Costanzos TV style includes subtle, low-profile irony. He also wrote the screenplays for several films, as well as the lyrics of the song Se telefonando, which was popularized by Mina.Costanzo was the artistic director of the main TV channel of Silvio Berlusconi, Canale 5. In 2010 he moved to RAI, presenting the talk show Bonta sua.Costanzo is the communication-agent (an aesthetical and rhetorical consultant for public appearances) of many Italian political leaders. He was a member of the Propaganda 2 masonic lodge. Since 2011 he collaborates with Radio Mana Mana. He is a professor at the Universita degli Studi Niccolo Cusano.


Wikipedia Source: Maurizio Costanzo

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