Melwin CedeГ±o Net Worth, Bio, Wiki


Melwin CedeГ±o Net Worth

How rich is Melwin CedeГ±o? For this question we spent 12 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $242,7 Million.



Melwin CedeГ±o information Birth date: December 27, 1964 Birth place: Santa Isabel, Puerto Rico Profession:Actor Spouse:Phaedra Michalzick

Height, Weight

:How tall is Melwin CedeГ±o – 1,64m.
How much weight is Melwin CedeГ±o – 53kg


Melwin CedeГ±o Net Worth
Melwin CedeГ±o Net Worth
Melwin CedeГ±o Net Worth
Melwin CedeГ±o Net Worth


Melwin CedeГ±o (born December 27, 1964 in Puerto Rico) is a Puerto Rican actor, comedian, merengue musician, and singer. CedeГ±o is better known for his comedic character role as Chevy, el Ponzonu, a Nuyorican teenager.CedeГ±o began to pursue his pre-med studies at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico in Ponce. However, he dropped out, and moved to study Drama at the University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras.While studying, CedeГ±o joined a merengue orchestra called Los Nenes de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico Kids). His partners in the orchestra later became the members of the popular merengue and reggaeton group, LГ­mite 21 (Limit Twenty One). He also joined the university theatre group working in several plays during his incumbency with Los Nenes.He also debuted in television shows in dramatic roles in soap operas such as, Alejandra (Alexandra), and Apartamento de Solteras (Singles Apartment). He achieved recognition for his dramatic role as a young drug addict in the telenovela Andrea.At the end of the 1980s, CedeГ±o started working as a comedian at popular shows like Show del MediodГ­a (The Midday Show) and Kiosko Budweiser ( The Budweiser Small Market). It was during this time that his character of Chevy, el Ponzonu was born. His popularity spawned a daily show titled Con Lo Que Cuenta Este PaГ­s (With What This Country Counts On), broadcast by Telemundo Puerto Rico, and produced by Hector Marcano, which remained among the top shows in audience ratings for several years.In the early 1990s, CedeГ±o hosted the comedy game show Alto Voltaje (High Voltage), also produced by Marcano in Telemundo. After the end of the series, CedeГ±o decided to retire briefly from public life. He moved to the United States exploring offers from Telemundo and Univision.In the late 1990s, CedeГ±o returned to Puerto Rico and took up again, working in theatre productions and television comedies. He produced a film titled Chevy… Episodio I (Chevy…Episode One), which marked the come-back of his popular character. In 1999, he started hosting a new show for kids titled PГ©gate con Chevy (Stick with Chevy) which received the acknowledgment of Puerto Rican childrens audiences. However, in 2001, the show was cancelled, for unknown reasons, despite its favorable reviews.CedeГ±o still works regularly in television and theatre, and his character of Chevy remains popular among children.
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Wikipedia Source: Melwin CedeГ±o

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