Mhamed Arezki Net Worth, Bio


Mhamed Arezki Net Worth

How much is Mhamed Arezki worth? For this question we spent 29 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $127 Million.



Mhamed Arezki information Birth date: 1984-01-01 Profession:Actor Nationality:French

Height, Weight

:How tall is Mhamed Arezki – 1,82m.
How much weight is Mhamed Arezki – 70kg


Mhamed Arezki Net Worth
Mhamed Arezki Net Worth
Mhamed Arezki Net Worth
Mhamed Arezki Net Worth


Mhamed Arezki is an actor, known for The Tourist (2010), Les bleus: premiers pas dans la police (2006) and Zim and Co. (2005).
Biography,Mhamed Arezki was born in Paris, France in 1984. His mother was of Kabyle descent and worked as a nanny. His father was a chef. Mhamed always dreamed of being an actor. At the age of seventeen he quit school and started participating in various acting courses. His mother, knowing this was what her son wanted to do most, was very encouraging. At the end of a five-day course in film and theater acting, he was spotted by an agent who then brought him to a casting call. I know, I have a lot of luck, He told Le Parisien in 2009.


Wikipedia Source: Mhamed Arezki

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