How rich is Michael Tait? Net Worth, Height, Weight


Michael Tait Net Worth

How rich is Michael Tait? For this question we spent 3 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $83 Million.



Michael Tait information Birth date: 1966-05-18 Profession:Camera Department, Art Department, Miscellaneous Crew

Height, Weight

:How tall is Michael Tait – 1,60m.
How much weight is Michael Tait – 66kg


Michael Tait Net Worth
Michael Tait Net Worth
Michael Tait Net Worth
Michael Tait Net Worth


Michael DeWayne Tait (born May 18, 1966) is a contemporary Christian music artist. Michael Tait met Toby McKeehan and Kevin Max while attending Liberty University in the late 1980s, and formed four-time Grammy winning band DC Talk, with whom he released five acclaimed studio albums. Tait is the current lead singer of Newsboys, and one third of Christian rock group DC Talk (though the group has been on hiatus since 2001). Tait also has had success in his solo career, founding a band called Tait in 1997. He toured as a solo act until 2007. He became lead singer of the Christian pop rock band Newsboys in 2009, and though Peter Furler was the lead vocalist on the album In the Hands of God, Tait provided supporting vocals on the project. Aside from singing, Tait is also a self-taught guitar player. Tait also has a sister Lynda Randle, who is a Southern Gospel singer.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Michael Tait

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