Mike Embley Net Worth 2024


Mike Embley Net Worth

How rich is Mike Embley? For this question we spent 4 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $218,8 Million.



Mike Embley information Birth date: 1955-01-01 Birth place: Surrey, England Profession:Actor Nationality:British

Height, Weight

:How tall is Mike Embley – 1,61m.
How much weight is Mike Embley – 75kg


Mike Embley Net Worth
Mike Embley Net Worth
Mike Embley Net Worth
Mike Embley Net Worth


Mike Embley (born 1955 in Surrey, England) is a broadcast journalist, best known as a presenter for BBC World News, an international news and current affairs television channel operated by the BBC.Before joining the BBC, Embley began his career training as a newspaper journalist with Thomson daily papers in Wales, on the South Wales Echo and the Western Mail. He began broadcasting in 1983, working for BBC Wales Wales Today, followed by the consumer affairs programme Watchdog in 1987, and Public Eye in 1989. Whilst working on Public Eye, he was the first British reporter to reach San Francisco to report on the earthquake.Embley later joined ITNs Channel Four News to work as a producer and reporter, before returning to the BBC as a reporter for the flagship One OClock, Six OClock and Nine OClock News bulletins. During this time, Embley also worked as a series presenter for Nature on BBC Two and made two films for Panorama.Embley joined BBC World in 1995, and remained there for two years until he became the main presenter of Newsroom South East, the BBCs regional news programme for London and the South East of England. After the programme was replaced by two separate regional bulletins (BBC London and South East Today) in 2001, Embley rejoined BBC World as a presenter. Since then, he has also presented on the domestic BBC News Channel and carried out one-on-one interviews for the BBC programme HARDtalk, as well as reporting several series for the radio station BBC World Service.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Mike Embley

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