How Much Is Mikko Leppilampi Worth?


Mikko Leppilampi Net Worth

How rich is Mikko Leppilampi? For this question we spent 14 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $20,5 Million.



Mikko Leppilampi information Birth date: September 22, 1978 Birth place: P?lk?ne, Finland Profession:Actor, Soundtrack, Writer

Height, Weight

:How tall is Mikko Leppilampi – 1,89m.
How much weight is Mikko Leppilampi – 81kg


Mikko Leppilampi Net Worth
Mikko Leppilampi Net Worth
Mikko Leppilampi Net Worth
Mikko Leppilampi Net Worth


Mikko Johannes Leppilampi (born 22 September 1978 in P?lk?ne, Finland) is a Finnish actor and musician who is the son of Jukka Leppilampi (b. 1954), a Finnish gospel musician. Leppilampi is considered to be one of the most promising stars of Finlands movie industry in the new millennium. He shot to fame as a result of his debut movie Helmi? ja sikoja, for which he also won a Jussi award.In the 2005 film Kaksip?isen kotkan varjossa, he starred as a poet in the early 20th century when Finland was part of Russia, working with actors such as Vesa-Matti Loiri and director Timo Koivusalo.Leppilampi is currently filming Stones War, in which he will portray Lieutenant Laakso.In addition to acting, Leppilampi has been actively involved in the music scene. His first full-length album, which bears his name, was published on 10 May 2006. He has also sung on the soundtracks of some of the Movies he has starred in.Leppilampi has a daughter, Lilia (born 31 October 2005), with Emilia Leppilampi (n?e Vuorisalmi), whom he married in summer 2006. They filed for divorce in spring 2010.On 10–12 May 2007 Leppilampi hosted the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki together with television host Jaana Pelkonen. In the 2008 edition he was the spokesperson for YLE, announcing the results of the Finnish televote.He has a brother who plays in a Finnish Rock band called SleepWalkers.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Mikko Leppilampi

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