How much money makes Nicola Maria Roberts? Net worth


Nicola Maria Roberts Net Worth

How Much money Nicola Maria Roberts has? For this question we spent 29 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Musicians
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $15,3 Million.



Nicola Maria Roberts information Birth date: October 5, 1985 Birth place: Stamford, Lincolnshire, England Height:5 5 (1.65 m) Profession:Soundtrack, Actress

Height, Weight

:How tall is Nicola Maria Roberts – 1,85m.
How much weight is Nicola Maria Roberts – 56kg


Nicola Maria Roberts Net Worth
Nicola Maria Roberts Net Worth
Nicola Maria Roberts Net Worth
Nicola Maria Roberts Net Worth


Nicola Maria Roberts (born 5 October 1985) is an English recording artist and entrepreneur. After auditioning and successfully completing the reality television series and competition Popstars The Rivals, Roberts became part of girl-group Girls Aloud. Their debut single Sound of the Underground topped the UK Singles chart. This success helped them win the competition and they were later entered in Guinness World Records as the most successful reality television music-group. The girls enjoyed 20 consecutive top ten singles, spawning five albums and positive critical responses. For a time during her time with the Girl Aloud, Roberts received negative press attention for her pale skin tone and ginger hair which left her depressed with her fame.In 2008, after releasing a pale skin make-up collection titled Dainty Doll, Roberts advocated the ban of underage usage of tanning beds with the documentary Nicola Roberts: The Truth About Tanning. Her public stance with a British MP led to a bill which banned under 18s from using tanning beds. In 2011, Roberts released her debut solo album Cinderellas Eyes and her debut single Beat of My Drum. Both releases received critical acclaim but had mixed commercial success. Two follow-up singles Lucky Day and Yo-Yo both gained equally positive critical responses but failed commercially. The album was described as electronic-influenced and garnered positive reviews and peaked at number 17 in the United Kingdom. In November 2012 Roberts reformed with Girls Aloud and toured for the first time in over four years in 2013, Girls Aloud, embarked on their Ten: The Hits Tour, which saw Girls Aloud split up at 00:07 on 21 March 2013 hours after their final concert in Liverpool. Roberts net worth was estimated at ?8.01 million in October 2014.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Nicola Maria Roberts

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