How rich is Omar Metwally in 2024?


Omar Metwally Net Worth

How rich is Omar Metwally? For this question we spent 24 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $143,4 Million.



Omar Metwally information Birth date: 1974-04-10 Birth place: Queens, New York, USA Profession:Actor, Writer Education:University of California, Berkeley Children:Ziyad Nabawy

Height, Weight

:How tall is Omar Metwally – 1,72m.
How much weight is Omar Metwally – 88kg


Omar Metwally Net Worth
Omar Metwally Net Worth
Omar Metwally Net Worth
Omar Metwally Net Worth


Omar Metwally (born 1974) is an American actor.Metwally was born in Queens, New York to an Egyptian father and a Dutch mother, and moved with the family to Orange County, California at age three, where he was raised. Metwally gained a BA in History from the University of California, Berkeley, and while acting around the Bay area gained an Master of Fine Arts in Acting from the American Conservatory Theater, San Francisco.Metwallys film roles include Gavin Hoods Rendition and Steven Spielbergs Munich, The City of Your Final Destination, released in 2010 (filmed 2006–07), and Amsterdam. He received the 2008 Chopard Trophy for his work in Rendition, presented at the Cannes Film Festival. Metwally will also be seen in the forthcoming film Miral from director Julian Schnabel.Metwally moved to New York in January 2000 and began working there, appearing in 2005 as Aram in Beast on the Moon directed by Larry Moss, and receiving a 2004 Tony Award nomination for his work in Sixteen Wounded. He has worked with the New York Arab-American Comedy Festival, first as an actor and then as a director. He has also appeared at theaters around the country, including Steppenwolf, The Public, the Long Wharf, Berkeley Rep, and many others.Metwallys television credits include Virtuality, Fringe, The Unit, and Greys Anatomy.Metwally resides in California.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Omar Metwally

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