How much money makes Orchidea de Santis? Net worth


Orchidea de Santis Net Worth

How rich is Orchidea de Santis? For this question we spent 24 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $108 Million.



Orchidea de Santis information Birth date: December 20, 1948 Birth place: Bari, Puglia, Italy Profession:Actress

Height, Weight

:How tall is Orchidea de Santis – 1,64m.
How much weight is Orchidea de Santis – 88kg


Orchidea de Santis Net Worth
Orchidea de Santis Net Worth
Orchidea de Santis Net Worth
Orchidea de Santis Net Worth


Orchidea de Santis was born on December 20, 1948 in Bari, Puglia, Italy. She is an actress, known for Prey of Vultures (1972), Attenti… arrivano le collegiali! (1975) and Seven Murders for Scotland Yard (1971).
Biography,Orchidea De Santis is an Italian actress in cinema, theatre and television. Her films include Il Vizio di Famiglia directed by Mariano Laurenti, Per Amare Ofelia by Flavio Mogherini, Concerto per Pistola Solista by Michele Lupo, Colpo di Stato by Luciano Salce (1969) and Paolo il caldo by Marco Vicario (1973). She appeared briefly in Il Nero by Giovanni Vento (1965) and Una Macchia Rosa by Enzo Muzii (1970). Since the mid-1980s, her film work has declined in favor of other activities.Her theater work includes comedies such as Morto un Papa se ne fa un Altro, Strega Roma and Chicchignola written by Ettore Petrolini, all of which were directed by Ghigo De Chiara and Fiorenzo Fiorentini.De Santis appeared in Sottoveste by Castellacci e Ventimiglia and Love and Life by Mike Immordino. She wrote and acted in La Bambola Orchidea featuring the music of maestro Aldo Saitto, as well as Chicchignola with Mario Scaccia, and La cicogna si diverte by Carlo Alighero.For the RAI radio, De Santis appeared in many roles, mainly in the serials Barocco a Roma and Racconto Italiano which were broadcast in the late 1970s. In the 1989 she began working in the international broadcasting department where she produced Notturno Italiano, AZ per gli Italiani allEstero, Italia Canta, Itinerari Italiani, Facile Ascolto.She was producer of the radio show LArca di Noe, and 13 episodes of Ciak si esegue. She also developed and produced a program about animals called LAnello di Re Salomone. She is currently the director of, Due di Notte.Her television work includes Roosvelt (Rai Tre 1986), Maga Circe and Lucrezia Borgia (Rai Uno 1987) and Il caso Redoli, a TV series: The Great Trials (Rai Uno 1996).Outside of cinema and theater, she worked with the city government of Rome, organizing a review of 1970s Italian cinema called Italia (de)Genere.


Wikipedia Source: Orchidea de Santis

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