Orna Banai Net Worth and Wiki


Orna Banai Net Worth

How rich is Orna Banai? For this question we spent 17 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $197,5 Million.



Orna Banai information Birth date: November 25, 1966 Birth place: Beersheba, Israel Profession:Actress, Writer, Soundtrack Children:Amir Banai, Mika Banai Parents:Yitzhak Banai Siblings:Eviatar Banai, Meir BanaiTV shows:Matzav HaUma, Eretz Nehederet

Height, Weight

:How tall is Orna Banai – 1,72m.
How much weight is Orna Banai – 59kg


Orna Banai Net Worth
Orna Banai Net Worth
Orna Banai Net Worth
Orna Banai Net Worth


Orna Banai was born on November 25, 1966 in Omer, Israel. She is an actress and writer, known for Matzav HaUma (2010), Eretz Nehederet (2003) and Mishpaha Sholetet (2014).
Biography,Banai was born in Beersheba, Israel. Her father was a local judge, and her mother was an education executive for the City of Beersheba. Many of her relatives are successful Israeli actors and singers. The next generation of the Banai family, including Orna and her brothers, Meir and Eviatar, followed this tradition. After three years of studying acting in Nissan Nativs studio in Tel Aviv, Banai started performing in stand-up comedy and entertainment shows.Banai is most known for her character Limor in the humorous Israeli television shows Action and Rak BeIsrael (with Erez Tal). Since 2003, Banai has appeared in the popular satirical television show Eretz Nehederet. In addition, Banai acted in television dramas like Merchav-Yarkon and Max VeMoris. Banai also appeared in theatrical plays like Singles and The Last Striptease.In 2005, Banai played Efrat in the television show Imalle, to which she contributed writing. The show was based on the story of Banais own pregnancy and the birth of her son Amir.Banai is a lesbian. She describes her views on the Arab–Israeli conflict as left-wing.


Wikipedia Source: Orna Banai

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