Paul Begala Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight


Paul Begala Net Worth

How rich is Paul Begala? For this question we spent 28 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $84,1 Million.



Paul Begala information Birth date: May 12, 1961 Birth place: New Jersey, United States Education:Dulles High School, University of Texas at Austin Spouse:Diane Friday (m. 1989) Children:William Travis Begala Parents:David Begala, Margaret Cass BegalaBooks:Take It Back, Its Still the Economy, Stupid, Is Our Children Learning?

Height, Weight

:How tall is Paul Begala – 1,62m.
How much weight is Paul Begala – 51kg


Paul Begala Net Worth
Paul Begala Net Worth
Paul Begala Net Worth
Paul Begala Net Worth


Paul Edward Begala (born May 12, 1961) is an American political consultant and political commentator. He was an adviser to President Bill Clinton. Begala was a chief strategist for the 1992 Clinton–Gore campaign, which carried 33 states and made Clinton the first Democrat to win the White House in twelve years. As counselor to the President in the Clinton White House, he coordinated policy, politics, and communications.Along with James Carville, Begala gained national prominence as the political consulting team Carville and Begala. Until June 2005, Begala was a co-host of CNNs political debate program Crossfire. He is an Affiliated Professor of Public Policy at Georgetown Universitys McCourt School of Public Policy. Currently, he is teaching at the University of Georgia School of Law as a Sanders Political Leadership Scholar.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Paul Begala

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