How Much Is Paul Broughton Worth?


Paul Broughton Net Worth

How rich is Paul Broughton? For this question we spent 25 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $38,2 Million.



Paul Broughton information Birth date: January 21, 1957 Birth place: Liverpool, England, UK Profession:Actor, Casting Department, Miscellaneous Crew

Height, Weight

:How tall is Paul Broughton – 1,77m.
How much weight is Paul Broughton – 82kg


Paul Broughton Net Worth
Paul Broughton Net Worth
Paul Broughton Net Worth
Paul Broughton Net Worth


Paul Broughton is an Australian rugby league football identity. A former player, coach and club chief executive, he is chairman of the Gold Coast Titans of the NRL. He also serves on the board of the North Queensland Cowboys.Broughton played in Sydney&#39, s NSWRFL Premiership for St. George in the 1954 season before playing in the country. He returned to the Premiership in 1957 with Balmain but was injured in the first match of the season and forced into retirement.Post-playing Broughton coached St. George in reserve grade and went on to become the club&#39, s chairman of selectors. He later worked for the NSWRFL before a season coaching Brisbane’s Brothers club in 1974. The following season Broughton returned to Sydney with the Balmain club, whom he coached from 1975 to 1976, then Newtown from 1977 to the fifth game of 1978, after which a major internal upheaval caused him, along with reserve grade coach Dave Bolton, to be dismissed in favour of St. George legend (and ex-Jet) Johnny Raper and Bob Carnegie.After coaching Broughton worked as New South Wales Rugby League development officer.Following the removal of the Gold Coast Chargers from the newly established National Rugby League at the end of the 1998 season, Broughton worked towards the foundation of the Titans, and has been described as &quot, the Godfather of Gold Coast rugby league&quot, . The Titans annual award for best and fairest player is named the Paul Broughton Medal in his honour.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Paul Broughton

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