Peter Gordeno Net Worth 2024


Peter Gordeno Net Worth

How rich is Peter Gordeno? For this question we spent 24 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $79,9 Million.



Peter Gordeno information Birth date: 1939-06-20 Death date: 2008-10-18

Height, Weight

:How tall is Peter Gordeno – 1,76m.
How much weight is Peter Gordeno – 79kg


Peter Gordeno Net Worth
Peter Gordeno Net Worth
Peter Gordeno Net Worth
Peter Gordeno Net Worth


Peter Gordeno (20 June 1939 in Rangoon, Burma – 18 October 2008 in London, England, UK) was a well known dancer, recording artist, cabaret singer, choreographer, and occasional actor.
Biography,Born as Peter Godenho to an Italian American father and Scottish/Burmese mother, Gordeno was known primarily for his work with composer and arranger John Barry, but also became a household name in the 1970s due to his appearances as a submarine captain and combat pilot Peter Carlin in the Gerry Anderson television programme UFO. He appeared in the 1968 London stage production of Man of La Mancha, as Anselmo, a muleteer. In the show, he was the soloist in the song Little Bird, Little Bird. He also appeared in the films Secrets of a Windmill Girl (1966), The Touchables (1968), The Urge to Kill (1989), and briefly in the very last Carry On film (Carry On Columbus) in 1992, whilst also working on the choreography for the film.He died on 18 October 2008, aged 69, after suffering from cancer for several years.His son, also called Peter Gordeno, is a songwriter and producer, who has toured with Depeche Mode since 1998.


Wikipedia Source: Peter Gordeno

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