How Much Is Ralph Baker Jr. Worth?


Ralph Baker Jr. Net Worth

How rich is Ralph Baker Jr.? For this question we spent 19 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $225,3 Million.



Ralph Baker Jr. information Birth date: February 3, 1945 Birth place: Dallas, Texas, USA Profession:Actor Movies:Night Fright

Height, Weight

:How tall is Ralph Baker Jr. – 1,87m.
How much weight is Ralph Baker Jr. – 81kg


Ralph Baker Jr. Net Worth
Ralph Baker Jr. Net Worth
Ralph Baker Jr. Net Worth
Ralph Baker Jr. Net Worth


Ralph Durwood Baker Jr. was an American broadcaster and actor. He was known for being a co-host of The Group and Chapman and Sumpn Else shows on WFAA-TV. He was known for being a DJ and announcer at KLIF-AM, one of the first Top 40 radio stations. Ralph was a Teen Idol broadcaster in the 1960s and was heard and seen in many television and radio commercials as well. In the mid-1960s he became known as The Sanger-Harris Man and was an official model for the Sanger-Harris department store.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Ralph Baker Jr.

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