How rich is Richard Chaves in 2024?


Richard Chaves Net Worth

How rich is Richard John Chaves? For this question we spent 5 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $144,4 Million.



Richard John Chaves information Birth date: October 9, 1951 Birth place: Jacksonville, Florida, United States Height:5 10 (1.78 m) Profession:Actor, Sound Department, Miscellaneous Crew

Height, Weight

:How tall is Richard Chaves – 1,61m.
How much weight is Richard Chaves – 87kg


Richard Chaves Net Worth
Richard Chaves Net Worth
Richard Chaves Net Worth
Richard Chaves Net Worth


Richard was born in Jacksonville, Florida. His father born in New York City, a career Marine, his mother born in Roanoke, Va. of Scottish and Cherokee Indian descent. He spent the first 18 years of his life as a Marine Corps Dependent. He spent his days with the nuns in parochial school and his nights and weekends with the Corps. He graduated from…
Biography,CareerChaves helped write the critically acclaimed stage drama Tracers. In the early 1980s, he began work as an actor taking on various soap opera roles until he gained a notable role in 1987 as Poncho in the science fiction film Predator. Soon afterward, his career received another boost with the role of Lt. Colonel Ironhorse in the television series War of the Worlds As well as having a character that allowed him to get in touch with both his Native American heritage and a military history, the series also brought him a large fanbase.[citation needed] Chaves once calculated that the volume of fan mail he received outnumbered the rest of the cast members by a four or five to one ratio.However, his career hit a bump when War of the Worlds was given new creative management for its second season. The new executives did not think that the Ironhorse character worked with the format they wanted for the show, so his character and that of Norton Drake were killed off.Personal lifeChaves was born in Jacksonville, Florida, the son of a United States Marine Corps officer/drug enforcement agent father. He is part Cherokee on his mothers side. In the late 1990s, Chaves became the target of a stalker. To protect himself, his family and friends, he followed the advice of police by refraining from attending conventions and closing his official website.Chaves has made few public appearances over the years since being stalked. He appeared at the Las Vegas Comic-Con in October 2003, in late 2006 he was photographed with Frances Fisher at the Flags of our Fathers premiere, he was a guest at the Chicagoland Entertainment Collectors Expo in October 2007,[citation needed] he appeared at the Gallifrey One convention in February 2007, and is scheduled to attend again in February 2008. His most recent acting appearance is in the soon-to-be-released film Lost Warrior: Left Behind and Dark House.In June 2009, he was present in Star Guest of Collectormania at the Stadium Way West, Milton Keynes, UK.


Wikipedia Source: Richard Chaves

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