Richard Watts Net Worth 2024 Update: Bio, Age, Height, Weight


Richard Watts Net Worth

How rich is Richard Watts? For this question we spent 8 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $193,5 Million.



Richard Watts information Birth date: 1529-01-01 Death date: 1579-01-01 Profession:Art Department

Height, Weight

:How tall is Richard Watts – 1,75m.
How much weight is Richard Watts – 89kg


Richard Watts Net Worth
Richard Watts Net Worth
Richard Watts Net Worth
Richard Watts Net Worth


Richard Watts (1529–1579) was a successful businessman and MP for Rochester, South East England, in the 1570s. He supplied rations for the English Navy as deputy victualler and supervised the construction of Upnor Castle. After Queen Elizabeth I pronounced his house was satis (Latin for enough) after a visit in 1573, the house was thereafter known as Satis House. Famed locally for his philanthropy, he died on 10 September 1579, leaving money in his will to establish the Richard Watts Charity and Six Poor Travellers House in Rochester High Street. He is buried, in accordance with his will, in Rochester Cathedral.
Biography,The precise date and place of Richards birth is uncertain. A Richard Watts born in West Peckham in 1529 is believed to be Richard Watts of Rochester. However, there is evidence of an older Richard Watts living on Boley Hill, at a date during the supposed childhood of the Richard Watts born in West Peckham. Little is known of the early life of Richard Watts. He may have spent his youth in Rochester gaining employment with Bishop (later Saint) John Fisher.[a] Following the arrest and execution of Fisher, Watts returned to Rochester in a state of poverty.Memorial in Rochester Cathedral with bust assumed to be contemporaryBy 1550, Richard Watts was established as a merchant. Payments were made to him for victualling the army and navy in 1550 and 1551. In either 1552 (Lane & Singh) or 1554 (Hinkley) he was appointed deputy victualler of the navy. The earlier date fits in with the grant of a coat of arms in 1553. In 1559, he was reappointed to the post. Subsequently, Queen Elizabeth I appointed him as paymaster and surveyor of works when building of Upnor Castle started in 1560.[b] A further royal appointment, that of surveyor of ordnance, followed in 1562. In 1560, as well as his appointment to the castle, he became paymaster to the Wardens of Rochester Bridge. In 1563, he was elected as MP for Rochester which seat he held until 1571.Richard died on 10 September 1579 at home. His will starts with First I bequeath my Soule unto the Holy Trinity as is aforesaid[c] and my Body to be buried in The Cathedrall Church of Rochester aforesaid neare unto the Steeple and Staires going up into the Quire on the South side of the same Staires. His will goes on to describe a procession from his house to the cathedral complete with curate and the singing children from the cathedral all in their Surplices. After a service and sermon, he was to be buried. Various disbursements are made to those taking part, including to the sextons for digging the grave and ringing his knell with all the bells. Even the congregation was remembered for unto every poore Body attending the burial he left One penney in bread and One penny in money. He earmarked five pounds for this so was assuming an attendance of some 600 poor mourners.[d]His grave, with coat of arms and simple inscription, is close to the south side of the pulpitum steps, just where he wanted it. In 1730, just over 150 years after his death, the city council resolved to erect a monument to his memory. A Mr. Charles Easton was tasked with the same for a sum of ?50 (equivalent to ?285 in 2015[e]). The memorial in the south transept of the cathedral incorporates the bust mentioned above. The bust appears to have been given by Josiah Brooke the current owner of Satis house, for below the bust and above the inscription[f] a bold statement testifies: Archetypum hunc dedit IOS. BROOKE de SATIS Arm.


Wikipedia Source: Richard Watts

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