How much money makes Robert Buckman? Net worth


Robert Buckman Net Worth

How much is Robert Buckman worth? For this question we spent 4 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $198,3 Million.



Robert Buckman information Birth date: August 22, 1948, London, United Kingdom Death date: October 9, 2011, Atlantic Ocean Profession:Transportation Department, Miscellaneous Crew Education:St Johns College, Cambridge, University College School Spouse:Patricia Shaw (m. ?–2011)

Height, Weight

:How tall is Robert Buckman – 1,73m.
How much weight is Robert Buckman – 77kg


Robert Buckman Net Worth
Robert Buckman Net Worth
Robert Buckman Net Worth
Robert Buckman Net Worth


Robert Alexander Amiel &quot, Rob&quot, Buckman (22 August 1948 – 9 October 2011) was a British doctor of medicine, comedian and author, and president of the Humanist Association of Canada. He first appeared in a Cambridge University Footlights Revue in 1968, and subsequently presented several television and radio programmes about medicine, as well as appearing on comedy programmes such as Just a Minute. He was also the author of many popular books on medicine.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Robert Buckman

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