Robert Chua Net Worth, Bio


Robert Chua Net Worth

Robert Chua how much money? For this question we spent 8 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Producers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $160,6 Million.



Robert Chua information Birth date: May 20, 1946 Birth place: Singapore Profession:Producer, Writer

Height, Weight

:How tall is Robert Chua – 1,63m.
How much weight is Robert Chua – 78kg


Robert Chua Net Worth
Robert Chua Net Worth
Robert Chua Net Worth
Robert Chua Net Worth


Robert Chua Wah-Peng (Chinese: и”Ўе’Ње№і) is an Asian broadcaster. Born in Singapore, on 20 May 1946, he has worked internationally in Australia, Hong Kong and China as well. Among other activities in his career, he was part of the launch of television production company TVB in 1967, the creator of Enjoy Yourself Tonight, the longest-running live variety show in Hong Kong, and the founder of satellite television channel of China Entertainment Television (CETV).
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Robert Chua

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