Roger Bingham Net Worth
Roger Bingham how much money? For this question we spent 21 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $79,6 Million.
Roger Bingham information Birth date: 1948-01-01 Birth place: Blackpool, U.K. Profession:Writer, Producer Education:University College London Nationality:British Spouse:Sheila Rodwell
Height, Weight
:How tall is Roger Bingham – 1,62m.
How much weight is Roger Bingham – 58kg
Roger Bingham is a public intellectual, science educator, author and television host based in La Jolla, California. He is co-founder and director of The Science Network (TSN), a virtual forum dedicated to science and its impact on society. TSN currently offers free access to over 1100 videos. Bingham is also the creator of the celebrated Beyond Belief conferences.Bingham developed the Science and Society Unit at the Los Angeles PBS station, KCET. There, he wrote, produced and presented the Frontiers of the Mind series, which included The Addicted Brain, The Sexual Brain, The Time of Our Lives, and Inside Information, programs which have been broadcast in multiple countries and languages. Bingham also co-wrote and hosted the PBS television series The Human Quest (1996). Philip Hefner wrote in The Christian Century that it provides a benchmark of the minimal scientific knowledge all informed persons should possess (…) Bingham and his PBS series represent the best and brightest of Western scientific intelligence today. The Human Quest episode The Nature Of Human Nature won a Writers Guild of America Award. He has co-authored the international best-selling novel, Wild Card (1974) and The Origin of Minds: Evolution, Uniqueness, and the New Science of the Self (Harmony, 2002).From 1995-96, Bingham was a Visiting Associate at Caltech in the laboratory of evolutionary neuroscientist, John Allman and a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Evolutionary Psychology, UC Santa Barbara (co-directed by John Tooby and Leda Cosmides). Bingham and Peggy La Cerra presented an alternative to the model of evolutionary psychology, first in a paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, then in The Origin of Minds: Evolution, Uniqueness, and the New Science of the Self. This model was based on the concept of adaptive representational networks (ARN). According to this theory, these networks encode the history of an individuals behavioral successes and failures in relationship to the energy costs of any particular behavior. Hence, memory becomes an accounting mechanism for computing the energy costs of behavior. La Cerra and Bingham called this model Theoretical Evolutionary Neuroscience.After the publication of The Origin of Minds, Bingham turned his attention to developing a platform for science education and communication. In 2003, with Terry Sejnowski, he initiated the project that became known as The Science Network. The launch of the The Science Network was a landmark Symposium and Town Hall meeting, Stem cells: science, ethics and politics at the crossroads, held at the Salk Institute in 2004. Roger Bingham serves as the director of the The Science Network.Bingham is currently an affiliate of the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and the Institute for Neural Computationat UC San Diego. Bingham is also a member of the Directors Council, UC San Die
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Wikipedia Source: Roger Bingham