Roger Chapman Net Worth – Short bio, age, height, weight


Roger Chapman Net Worth

How rich is Roger Chapman? For this question we spent 16 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $41 Million.



Roger Chapman information Birth date: January 1, 1947 Birth place: Leicester, United Kingdom Profession:Actor Music groups:Family (1966 – 1973), Streetwalkers, The Roaring Sixties (1966)

Height, Weight

:How tall is Roger Chapman – 1,65m.
How much weight is Roger Chapman – 85kg


Roger Chapman Net Worth
Roger Chapman Net Worth
Roger Chapman Net Worth
Roger Chapman Net Worth


Roger Chapman (born Roger Maxwell Chapman on 8 April 1942 in Leicester), also known as Chappo, is an English rock vocalist. He is best known as a member of the progressive rock band Family, which he joined along with Charlie Whitney, in 1966 and also the rock, R&B band Streetwalkers formed in 1974. His idiosyncratic brand of showmanship when performing and vocal vibrato led him to become a cult figure on the British rock scene. Chapman is claimed to have said that he was trying to sing like both Little Richard and his idol Ray Charles. Since the early 1980s he has spent much of his time in Germany and has made occasional appearances there and elsewhere. He has an Artist of the Year award and was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2004.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Roger Chapman

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