Sam Callis Net Worth, Biography, Age, Weight, Height


Sam Callis Net Worth

How rich is Sam Callis? For this question we spent 14 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $162,3 Million.



Sam Callis information Birth date: 1973, Chichester, United Kingdom Birth place: Sussex, England, UK Profession:Actor, Writer, Producer Education:London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art Spouse:Osmin Callis Children:Naio Callis

Height, Weight

:How tall is Sam Callis – 1,72m.
How much weight is Sam Callis – 78kg


Sam Callis Net Worth
Sam Callis Net Worth
Sam Callis Net Worth
Sam Callis Net Worth


Samuel &#39, Sam&#39, Callis (born 1973, in West Sussex) is an English actor and film director, best known for his role as Sergeant Callum Stone in The Bill. He is currently directing Viking a short film starring Sophie Thompson and Andrew Lancel
Biography,Callis grew up in Haslemere, Surrey and attended Camelsdale Primary School, Midhurst Intermediate School and Midhurst Grammar School.[citation needed] Callis trained at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. He has had roles in Londons Burning where he played Adam Benjamin and in Ultimate Force as Captain Patrick Fleming. He played Doctor Mike Banner in The Royal until he left in 2007 to join the cast of The Bill. He has made appearances in Holby City and Doctor Who.Before joining The Bill as a regular, he had previously guest starred in the show in 2004 as an alcoholic priest, Karl Radford.Callis has also acted in some films. In Kidulthood he played a security guard, in Spanish TV Movie Trance he played Nick, in Capital Punishment he played Russell Blake and he starred in Shrink as Max.He has acted in theatre which has taken him to New York and on a UK no1 Tour for Arms and The Man.After The Bill was cancelled in 2010, Callis directed a short film called Inside Run. The short film starred his former The Bill co-star Andrew Lancel as a prison officer and was shown at the BFI London Film Festival in October 2010. More recently he directed another short film, Viking also starring Andrew Lancel.Callis played the role of Stensgard in the UK premiere of Henrik Ibsens The League of Youth at Nottingham Playhouse in May 2011. In 2012 he appeared in the Noel Coward play Hay Fever at the Noel Coward Theatre and as Jack Worthing in The Importance of Being Earnest at Nottingham Playhouse.[11]In 2015 he produced Whisper a ten-minute short film set in Sheppey.[12]


Wikipedia Source: Sam Callis

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